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Proposed Amendments to the Michigan College Bylaws

In its recent review of the Michigan College of Emergency Physician Bylaws (last revised in July 2021), the ACEP Bylaws Committee made several recommendations. While many of these changes are “housekeeping” changes to maintain consistency with recent changes in the ACEP’s Model Chapter Bylaws, a few warrant specific mention: The first is a provision giving the Michigan College Medical Student Council the option to select a non-voting medical student representative to serve on the MCEP Board of Directors (the Board) (Article VI, Section 2). The term of office for this position would be one year, with a maximum of two consecutive terms (Article VI, Section 4). Additional changes include clarification of how the College handles Councillor resignation and the filling of Councillor vacancies (Article VIII, Sections 7-8), as well as language explicitly stating that a quorum (i.e. a majority) of Executive Committee members have the authority to act on behalf of the Board of Directors (Article IX, Section 2), provided all actions taken are ratified at the next Board meeting. Finally, Article XIV (Ethics) was removed, as it was felt to be adequately covered by the ACEP Bylaws and therefore not requiring specific mention in the Michigan Chapter Bylaws. These Bylaws amendments will be presented to the membership for approval vote at the upcoming annual meeting (July 29, 2024) as an amendment by substitution.

Summary of Substantive MCEP Bylaws Amendments

Article V (Meetings), Sections 3,4, and 5: Clarifying remote communication technology utilization for meetings of the Board and the ability to attend remotely even if the meeting is in-person.
Article VI (Board of Directors), Section 2:  Allows a medical student representative, as selected by the Medical Student Council, to serve as a non-voting representative on the Board.
Article VII(Officers), Section 1: Language clarfying the automatic succession of officers.
Article VII(Officers), Section 4: Clarifies officer voting rights.
Article VII(Officers), Section 10: Clarifies filling of officer vacancies.
Article VIII (Councillors), Sections 7 and 8: Clarifies Councillor resignation and the filling vacancies.
Article IX (Committees), Section 2: Clarifies that committee chairs are voting committee members.
Article IX, Section 2 (Committees): Clarifies that the Executive Committee, when quorum present, can act on behalf of the Board.
Article X (Voting) Sections 1 and 2: Clarifies voting methods and results.
Article XIV (Ethics): Removed. (Covered by ACEP)

All references to the “Chapter(‘s)” were corrected to “Michigan College” to maintain consistency.

Current Bylaws

Proposed Bylaws Changes