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  • EDUCATION:  Develops and conducts CME programs including the Scientific Assembly, Winter Symposium, Oral Board Review, APLS, $traight Talk, Residents’ Assembly, and Ultrasound Courses.
  • EMS:  Monitors legislative and regulatory activities relating to EMS in Michigan and maintains liaisons with EMS organizations.  This committee also responds to recent events and promotes education & preparedness for our state’s Emergency Departments.
  • LEGISLATIVE:  Monitors bills introduced in the General Assembly.  Informs and educates MCEP members and state legislators on specific bills of interest.
  • MEMBERSHIP:  Preserves the strength and influence of Emergency Medicine, and the Chapter, by striving to obtain new eligible, board-certified, members and retain current members.
  • HEALTH-FINANCE:  Monitors private payer and federal policies that may affect emergency physician practice and reimbursement.
  • PUBLIC RELATIONS:  Develops ways to enhance the image of Emergency Physicians with the lay public and other medical professions in the state.
  • OBSERVATION COMMITTEE:  Assists those physicians involved in their hospital observation units.
  • PEDIATRIC TASK FORCE: Our goal is to identify pediatric issues pertinent to the members of MCEP, and provide resources and solutions to improve pediatric emergency care in Michigan.
  • QUALITY TASK FORCE:  The goal of the Quality Committee is to promote improvements in the delivery of pediatric and adult emergency care and enhance the value of this care for the benefit of our membership and our patients in the state of Michigan.
  • RESOLUTION WRITING COMMITTEE: Our goal is to identify issues and concerns relevant to the practice of emergency medicine, emergency department patients, and emergency physicians in Michigan, and to assist interested MCEP members in generating practical solutions in the form of resolutions. 

Any current MCEP member interested in participating on one of these committees should contact the Chapter office at