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2024 - 2025 MCEP Councillors


Michael Baker, MD, FACEP

Abigail Brackney, MD, FACEP

Sara Chakel, MD, FACEP

Pamela Coffey, MD, FACEP

Michael Fill, DO, FACEP

Gregory Gafni-Pappas, DO, FACEP

Michael Gratson, MD, MHSA, FACEP

Antony Hsu, MD, FACEP

Robert Malinowski, MD, FACEP

Therese Mead, DO, FACEP

Emily Mills, MD, FACEP

James Mitchiner, MD, FACEP

Diana Nordlund, DO, JD, FACEP

David Overton, MD, FACEP

Luke Saski, MD, FACEP

Jennifer Stevenson, DO, FACEP

Andrew Taylor, DO, FACEP

Larisa Traill, MD, FACEP

Brad Uren, MD, FACEP

Bradford Walters, MD, FACEP


2024 - 2025 MCEP Councillor Alternates

Miriam Bukhsh, MD, MPH

Roya Caloia, DO, MPH, FACEP, FAAEM

Kathleen Cowling, DO, MS, MBA, FACEP

Lauren English, MD

Jeff McGowan, DO, FACEP

Matthew Tanis, DO

Kirk Trentham, MD

Michael Tupper, MD, MBA, FACEP

Please contact the MCEP Chapter office if you are interested in being an MCEP Councillor to ACEP.

MCEP Councillors shall serve a term of office of two (2) years.  The term for Alternate Councillors is one (1) year.  All Councillors and Alternate Councillors may serve an unlimited number of terms.  The terms of all Councillors shall be staggered.
The Councillors shall represent the Michigan College at all meetings of the Council of the American College.  Councillors are expected to attend all meetings of the Michigan College Board.  If a sufficient number of Councillors plus Alternate Councillors is not present at any meeting of the Council, the President or Secretary may designate an Alternate Councillor(s) for that meeting only.
The ACEP Council consists of members representing ACEP’s 53 chartered chapters (50 states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia and Government Services), its sections of membership, the Association of Academic Chairs in Emergency Medicine (AACEM), the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD), the Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association (EMRA) and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM).
The Council elects the ACEP president-elect and four members to the Board of Directors each year and the Council Speaker and Vice Speaker every two years. The Council ensures “grassroots” involvement in ACEP’s democratic decision-making process.The Council is a deliberative body that meets once a year for two days in conjunction with the College’s annual Scientific Assembly. The Council votes on resolutions, including changes to the Bylaws, College Manual, and the Council Standing Rules, which may be submitted by any two members. Resolutions guide policy development and activities of the College. Whether it is a resolution or a Bylaws amendment, actions of the Council are also voted on by the Board of Directors.